Pageant Planet

Overdone Pageant Trends



It’s no secret that many of our listeners and followers are novices in the industry. Sometimes newer contestants will see or hear a trend, latch onto it and replicate it - not realizing when they do it, it will be the millionth time a judge will have seen it. So, today, we are going to be discussing some overdone trends we have seen over the past few years and how to avoid them. I think it is important to note that there are exceptions to every single one of these where someone has been successful with them. It even may be the right thing for YOU, but we want to make you aware, and then the decision is up to you.We’ve separated these into two sections - the appearance section, what you wear and how you look - and the interview section, common phrases. We will also provide you with alternatives!  This week's promotional item is our new course titled, Pageant Dictionary. This course covers common phrases in pageantry that newbies or veterans may not be aware of. How many do you know?&nb