Pageant Planet

What to Look for When Hiring a Pageant Coach



Pageant Coach, Wendi Russo, gives us insight as to what to look for when hiring a pageant coach. Discover how much it costs, what to look for, how to interview your potential coach and more. Below are the questions that we asked her. Click download to see how she answered:  Which coaching areas do you specialize in?  Are you a full service coach? When choosing a pageant coach, what should one look for?  How can a contestant tell if she has chosen the right coach for her? Does everyone need a pageant coach when preparing for competition in order to win? You have held many titles, including your current title of Mrs. USA United Nations… How does being a titleholder better enable you to coach your clients? When preparing for competition, what is the biggest mistake you see girls making?  How does a girl know if she has chosen the correct system for herself?  Do you often see girls competing in systems that are not the best fit for them? How do you mentally prepare your clients for competition?  What do feel is t