
World Renowned Mindfulness Expert Reveals The Greatness Of Staying Present



I had an awesome conversation  with Shauna Shapiro today! Shauna is a world renowned expert on mindfulness, has published 3 critically acclaimed books, has written over  150 papers about the power of mindfulness meditation and in today's podcast, she is going to reveal what she has learned after 20 years of extensive research on the topic of brain growth and focus! Quotes: "What You Practice Grows Stronger" "Time is not our most valuable resource. Attention Is. What We Give Attention To, Determines Our Destiny" Show Notes: - Practice, Practice, Practice! - Just Focusing On Your Breath Is Still Meditation - Improve by 5%, Baby Steps Are Important - Mindfulness Is Everyday Practice - The Mind Wonders 47% Of The Time - Train Your Attention - The Brain is CONSTANTLY Growing - Be Kind With Your Frustrations. Welcome And Love Everything - Determine Your WHY before you start learning any skill - Shame Shuts Down The Learning Centre Of Our Brain, So Whenever You Fail, Don't Let Shame Creep In - Mix Your Cur