Beyond Birth

Ep. 39 Day by Day in Life, Marriage, and Pregnancy



Happy New Year! Welcome to the Roarin’ 20s. Liz and Jenny are setting some roots and gazing upward for the new year and the new possibilities of 2020. What’s your word for this year … or this decade? Can you pick a word that is helping you take action in your life? Or, do you take Liz’s route and pick out an emoji? Can we set goals, and do we feel achievement without external validation? Jenny shares her hope to find the balance of the “me” and “we” in marriage. Money in the new year is always a topic! Liz and family are doing a “spending freeze” month. Join them to see how your mindset, energy, and bank account change. Or try out one of Jenny’s new approaches to budgeting: multiple bank accounts. Liz checks in on her pregnancy and how she is feeling these days with her baby, Cricket. (And it isn’t all rainbows and happy moments.) Pregnancy after loss is intense and beautiful and hard. It requires a lot of patience and a lot of intentional living in the moment. Liz opens up about her raw feelings, and the ebb