Beyond Birth

Ep. 30 how to provide meaningful support after pregnancy loss



Each birth story and loss story, each journey into motherhood, is unique. Healing from a loss does not happen overnight. In some ways it feels like we are always healing. We will always be aware of it in our very bones, and often reminded in our daily lives as we find our way through this unexpected path. And as unfamiliar that it is to us who are experiencing it, so it is to those around us who love us and want to support us. While there is no formula for exactly what to do or what to say or how to support a family that has experienced loss, Liz and Jenny are here to share with you what we have learned. Topics addressed: Processing our feelings and letting those around us process their’s. Everyone touched by this family and this baby deserves to grieve and proves. Processing with your partner: withdrawing, picking fights, lashing out. How to talk about feelings with people who don’t normally talk about them. Grief circles/ripple metaphor Appropriate approaches: How to offer help without overwhelmi