Beyond Birth

Ep. 26 3 Ways to Embrace Your Body Postpartum



Embracing your body after pregnancy isn’t easy. Most of us walk into motherhood understanding there will be a lack of sleep and ample spit-up stained shirts, but I don’t think we are prepared for the disconnected, and sometimes unrecognizable postpartum body. With the social media messaging limited to “get your body back” or “embrace your tiger stripes” it’s no wonder we are left feeling alone and less than. Maybe you’ve already joined us in saying F U to the “get your body back” messaging, but it’s a BIG jump to embracing those tiger stripes and fully loving your postpartum body. The conversation is more nuanced than this love-hate dichotomy presents. Plus, if you’ve experienced pregnancy loss, like Jenny and I have, then this relationship may be even more complicated.  Today on the podcast, Liz shares 3 ways to embrace your body postpartum.  Mentioned in this Episode: Madewell Jeans are gold.  Poshmark (Get a free $10 credit on your first order by using referral code lizmwinters) Check out t