Beyond Birth

Ep. 17 Balancing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship



Welcome! This week we jump into a listener question: the balance (or imbalance) of being a mom and an entrepreneur. As women and individuals we are called to be both bad ass business owners and wonderful mothers. But can we have it all? Should we even try to have it all? F the should! And show up for yourself as yourself.  IN THIS EPISODE Springtime Check-In 7:30 Liz is stepping away from BIRTHFIT Check-out Liz’s new website! 13:35 Balancing being a parent and entrepreneur  15:20 Disclaimer of imbalance 16:40 Is it all just boundaries and how we talk to ourselves? 18:30 Can we have it all? 20:00 Show up 100% to one thing at a time. Mono-tasking vs. multi-tasking 24:55 Time-blocking 29:50 Support team 30:30 Grounding yourself  33:30 Non-negotiable and asking of our people 42:30 Schedule the things you want to do first 44:30 Walk in your jeans! 45:10 Support your body nutritionally and with sleep 53:00 It’s a sweet baby boy! FOR MORE FROM LIZ & JENNY Hosted by: Liz