Beyond Birth

Ep 006 Feelin' the Love



Happy Love Day! Valentine’s Day sometimes gets a bad rap as being over commercialized, ostracizing to singles, or superficial to true romance. It can be all of those things, and it’s a perfect opportunity to talk about our Love Languages, tendencies, personality types, and communication styles, and how important they are during birth and in motherhood. Welcome to the Beyond Birth Podcast! IN THIS EPISODE Celebrating Valentine’s Day in our worlds. 8:00 … Love Languages and how they help us communicate Book: The 5 Love Languages Quiz: What is your Love Language? Expressing and receiving love differently 14:00 … Universal Toddler Love Language: Quality Time? 17:00 … Four Tendencies: Upholder, Obliger, Rebel, Questioner Book: The Four Tendencies Quiz: What is your tendency? 23:00 … Struggles with our tendencies  25:20 ... How love languages and tendencies apply to doula support 29:00 … Communicating and supporting team members 32:30 … Nine Enneagram Types: Reformer, Helper, Achiever, Individualist, Investiga