

Are you ready to fully align your passions with your work?I am certainly a firm believer in using your unique talents and gifts to get paid to be you. I believe that is your professional gold! But have you been trying to do that for way too long now, and feeling like you’re missing out on some big secret that everyone else has?!Before I tell you the incredible news I have for you, I want you to think about one big thing… When is the last time you really asked for what you wanted in your professional life?That, my friend, is the big secret that other people who have aligned their passions with their work are using… they ask for exactly what they want! They are the true artists of their work and life canvas. This simple strategy is what allows people to align their passions with their work.Ready to do the same?Our guest on the UNTAPPED Podcast today is Carson Tate, a dynamic teacher and coach. Carson is known for igniting personal transformation through her simple, powerful and actionable strateg