

Imagine the future of work, what do you see? And more importantly how do you want to show up in it?The way in which we work and the type of work we will be doing in the next few years is already shifting right before our eyes, and I personally see more opportunity than ever.But a lot of people are scared and that's because the workplace of tomorrow is an uncertain place.We live in a rapidly changing world, and design innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and big data are rapidly changing the fundamental nature of how we live and work.What's more these technologies are evolving at an exponential rate - and as more jobs and work gets automated, you can see why there's a fear of being replaced by robots!Actually that is going to happen with some work, especially around data, that is expected to be more machine-powered.But there will also be a proliferation of new work and jobs created that will require human skills in areas like problem solving, communication, listening, interpretation