

Are you stuck in the comfort zone?Are you getting a little bored and discontented with where you're at in life?Isn't it time you stepped out of your comfort zone?This is a question I've been asking myself a lot lately, especially since I started training for triathlons, which regularly stretch me beyond my comfort zone and push me mentally and physically.What I wasn't prepared for were all the other benefits this would bring me, because even though going beyond your comfort zone can be uncomfortable - the benefits are that you learn, grow and go further than you imagined you could. And that's just for starters!Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, therapist and author of Better Than Perfect, says people who regularly seek out fresh experiences tend to be more creative and emotionally resilient than those who remain stuck in routine.“Breaking your own mould can only make you stronger and more confident to reach higher levels in your professional and personal life,” she says.Being uncomfortable can be a great thing. It