

Are you getting a great night's sleep or consistently sleep deprived because you're on your smartphone or laptop too late?I'm definitely guilty of working from a laptop in bed, or checking my phone before I go to sleep, but since I've been consistently getting in the habit of turning off all devices by 7pm each night, my sleep and quality sleep has been improving a ton.An article published in The Independent shows: “In a study of 10,000 16 to 19-year-olds, researchers in Norway found that the longer a young person spent looking at an electronic screen before going to bed, the worse quality sleep they were likely to have.”The problem comes from the short bursts of excitement you get when consuming social media. This feeling is the body releasing a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine motivates you to continue to replicate the original behaviour that made you feel pleasure - such as repeatedly clicking on social media posts or sending text messages.The problem with this is that too often we can find ourse