

There’s a 50/50 chance that you are either happy or disappointed with the results of the election. For many people, the uncertainty of this time stresses us out. We so easily get caught up in the earthly implications of these events that we miss the bigger picture of our calling as citizens of heaven.   In this sermon, we look at three constant reminders of our heavenly citizenship as followers of Jesus Christ: 1) God is still on the throne: We serve a King that reigns forever, and our values should reflect His values. God is still the object of our trust: There is only one who you can put your trust in and not be disappointed -- put your trust in Jesus. God is still sovereign over all things: We can find our rest in the sovereignty of God, because He is in control.   As citizens of heaven, the goal of our lives should be about making God's name great in the country that we live.   Psalm 20:7, Daniel 2:21