Yogi Misfit Sessions

92 | Men & Body Image | Feat. Brian Carew



Men & Body Image with Brian Carew Today I have Brian Carew. If you haven’t seen his posts already he is an advocate for positive body images in men. This can be such a taboo topic, and Brian shares his journey through it.  Brian shares when it started and how he started to recognize it. Starting with time-controlled eating, and how cheat days become more. The influence on the fitness community and the power of movement we talk about the changes that happen when we connect with our bodies. We also talk about how social media helps share his message, empowering other men through their journey. Learning that there is a community of men who struggle with body image issues. It was such a pleasure talking to Brian. Take a listen and enjoy!Follow Brian here:InstagramMUSIC: Process by 92elmSUPPORT THE SHOW: If you find this podcast valuable you can support it directly by visiting https://donorbox.org/support-yogi-misfit-sessions-podcastWRITE A REVIEW: If you like the podcast, please leave