Happy Sounds - A Serena Nature Sounds Podcast

The Seven Sacred Pools of 'O'heo Gulch, Maui



On the remote eastern shores of Maui lies one of the worlds natural wonders: the Pools of ‘O’heo Gulch. Access to the wild shoreline where these pools empty into the Pacific Ocean is only by a multi-hour journey through dense rainforest and a seemingly endless number of muddy single lane bridges and tight coastal switchbacks. But when you finally arrive you are rewarded with an extraordinary river that runs out into the sea through a series of startlingly beautiful waterfalls and deep pools. During drier days and seasons, it presents itself as an idyllic Hawaiian playground seemingly designed to charm even the most well-travelled visitor. During a storm, even if the rain is miles distant somewhere on the slopes of the Haleakala volcano that rises steeply up into the clouds above, the gentle stream swells so quickly into a dangerous cataract that it has claimed more than a few lives over the years.This recording was taken just a few steps along the coast from this enchanting river’s egress into the sea, at the