Starseed Radio Academy

The Magic of Why



Lynne Hardin has been walking in two worlds since 1994 after a life changing automobile accident. Spending three days in a coma; prognosis being she would never walk or talk again given the MRI… she did survive. Her short-term memory was gone; and it took several years to start connecting the dots. The Magic of Why© process was given to her as a way to restore her condition. The Magic of Why© process has now been used by individuals, families, groups and businesses to intentionally move into a model of love, acceptance and abundance… rather than the traditional hierarchal model of fear, exclusion and lack. If we are to succeed as a species we must Love, Trust, Care, Share and Allow. Lynne has lived this spiritual knowing because of the accident… while having to operate in the hierarchical man-made illusion that there is not enough…. Being number ONE is the goal… it is a model that must be changed if our species and our planet is to survive. No longer will Fear, Guilt, Shame, Anger and Violence be acceptable.