Face 2 Face With David Peck

Mental Health, Stigma & Youth



Noemi Weis and Face2Face host David Peck talk about a mental health crisis with young people, suicide, listening well, loneliness and isolation, breaking the stigma, human rights and why community starts in the family.TrailerMore info hereSynopsis:This character-driven and cinematic feature film is the first of its kind to bring the exclusive voices of young people to the forefront talking about youth mental health. It is their personal accounts that drive the film’s narrative forward. They are the ones to tell us where we have gone wrong and what needs to change. We call them the experts.In a highly cinematic mise-en-sc.ne, Connecting the Dots reveals why we face a population of young people feeling anxious, depressed and too often ending their own lives. The film sheds light on preventative and inspiring ways to bring light to this global crisis of youth mental health. Traveling the world, the film takes the viewers to such countries as Canada, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Zimbabwe and more.Connecting the Dots o