Real Answers With Dr. Kate Siner

The Power of Your Truth 2/5/15



Knowing what you want is only part of the process in living the life that you dream of. The transformation really begins when you can start to translate what you want into radical honesty in each moment - honesty with yourself and with everyone in your life. The challenge here is that when we speak our truth it may bring us loss. When you speak your needs in relationships you risk not having them met. When you are honest with yourself about your work not being satisfying you may realize that its time to look for new work. The power of your truth is that when you speak it and live it, transformation really does happen and at times that means letting go of the old so that you can have what your are really desiring.This week Dr. Kate speaks on the power of your truth to change everything around you. Learn how to speak and share your heart with the world even when it is challenging and tap into the profound strength that comes from this practice. See for privacy and opt-out information.