Transform Your Mind

How to Use the Universal, Law of Action, for Success in Life



On Today's episode "5 Minutes with Coach Myrna", I teach How to Use the Universal, Law of Action, to achieve Success in Life In the first episode of 5 mins with coach Myrna, I shared the First Universal Law “The Law of Divine Oneness” If you missed that episode please download. I am teaching on the 12 Universal Laws because they are the blue print for a life by design. They are the rules of the game. Life is the only job that we don’t get a manual for and most of us leave this body as clueless as when we were born. Today I want to teach on the:The second Universal Law the, Law of Action,Successful people are future oriented so if you are not taking action towards a vision or goal, you will remain stagnant. Movement creates energy. Newton First Law states - A body in motion stays in motion. If you, take action, towards your goals you will attain them. If you take, MASSIVE action, towards your goals you will attain them much much faster. 1.Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience, your hi