Transform Your Mind

How to Apply, the Law of Divine Oneness, to your Life



Welcome to the Transform your Mind - 5 mins with Coach Myrna. In this episode we will discuss, The Law of Divine Oneness, and how to apply it in your life. You may have heard the statement "We are spiritual beings having a human experience" well it is true. We are extensions of source energy also called God or the Universe. We are made up of a body, soul and spirit. of us never expand our consciousness beyond the physical body that we can see and touch, but that is only one part of our true self. We came into this physical body with a purpose, and that is to grow and evolve. So we embarked on this game. We can call it the game of life or we can call it the matrix! We are living in a matrix! And just like the matrix, there are rules in how you play the game. The rules are the laws of the Universe. The first Law we will discuss is, The Law of Divine Oneness,If you are a bible scholar you will recognize lots of parallels between the