Transform Your Mind

Using the Law of Attraction to Thrive in your Relationships



How can the, Law of Attraction, help you to thrive at home and at work? NYT best selling author Christy Whitman tells us how on the "Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna" podcast. Christy is the author of "Quantum Success 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money"I'm your host coach Myrna Young This is a, personal development, lifecoaching podcast, and a Guyana podcast, Today I am speaking again to 2 Times New York Bestselling author Ms Christy Whitman. Christy is also the author of “The Art of having It All”, Perfect Pictures, and “Taming your Alpha Bitch” and she has a new book that's coming out in September that's called, "Quantum Success, 7 essential laws, for a thriving joyful and prosperous relationship with your work and money" I am so excited to be talking again to Christy. This is our second in a series of 3. Our topic today is coming directly from Christie's new book. Befor