Transform Your Mind

How to Fuel Your Personal Growth as a Millennial



Are you a Millennial or parent of a Millennial? In today's show we talk, personal growth, with the author of the Millennial's Playbook to Adulting, Ms Arika Pierce Show Transcript: Today what we want to focus on is giving Millennial's some clarity on, personal growth, and development. We both know that learning should not stop when you leave school. What advice would you give Millennials to keep growing? Millennials are in the growth stage of life, what advice would you give them? I know in your book you touch on quite a few, let me count them one two three four you know you've got a bit of a ten tips. We don't have time to talk about all the ten, but pick some of the top ones and share how you would advise Millennials to keep growing. I think especially after you get out of school and Millennials, are sort of over trying to learn from textbooks, people are just exhausted from that textbook and learning from your professors and things like that; but I do encourage Millennials to become students o