Transform Your Mind

The Millennial Playbook: Unpacking Limiting Beliefs



00:19Welcome to the Transform your Mind Radio00:23Show and Podcast my name is Myrna Young00:27Certified Professional Coach, Author and00:31Your Host. Each week I bring you an inspiring00:38guest or a solo coaching session 00:43to Help you Live your Best Lives Now00:48by transforming your mindset. Thanks00:52for tuning in today and I hope that this00:55segment meets you at your point of need. 01:05Today we start a new series with the01:17author of the Millennial Playbook Ms01:21Erica L Pierce. Arica is going to be01:27starting off our discussion today01:31unpacking how limiting beliefs can01:35destroy your self-confidence. 01:37Welcome Arica, Thank you so much for being on the show.01:41I'm not happy to be here. I am01:44going to enjoy our conversation. I am at01:47The mother of a Millennial, so 01:51thank you so much for sending me a copy01:53of your book. It is an awesome book and I01:55plan to share it when I'm done with it.01:57Yeah you're welcome02:00all right well before we get started02:04with our sh