Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

How To Get 4 Million Website Views Organically with Neil Patel



When I created this podcast I had several dream guests. Neil was one of them. I thought to myself, if I could only interview this person, I would be able to ask him or her this. I’ve followed Neil for a while and a lot of his strategies have been pivotal to our SEO and marketing strategies. You’ll hear the interview yourself and make your own judgement, but I was struggling with this interview. I don’t know if it was me or the questions that I asked, but Neil seemed to be 100% uninterested and I don’t believe I got his best work and answers to my questions. When I do research about a particular guest, I go to great lengths in order to find something interesting and develop questions that the person on the other end can then expand on. Follow up questions will ensue and we’d vibe from there. I had about 15 questions and all of them were asked within the first 5 minutes. We all know how talented Neil is and instrumental he is to the entrepreneurship community, but the answers Neil gave raises the question, is m