Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Everyday Strategies That Help You Accomplish More With Gregg Clunis



Some of the highlights of this episode are: When we talked about the words follow your passion and dream big. What they mean to Gregg is important and needs to be heard. In the middle of the podcast Gregg goes into a story about every day strategies that can help you accomplish more in your day. A loose quote he mentioned was something along the lines of constantly experiment, but never deviate too much. Something near and dear to my heart is having your own command center so to speak to create content and lastly, the story about Gregg’s father. Gregg’s father passed away last year. Gregg made a rap album about it and his reasons why he did it are inspiring and nothing short of amazing. The quote that stuck with me was mention on his instagram, which was: “One of the biggest lessons I've learned from losing my father last year is the importance of family and keeping the ones you love close. You never know when you will part ways” Enjoy the episode. Links mentioned in interview: Follo