Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Airplane Story Why Humans Are Fearful



Now, it wasn’t crazy turbulence, but crazy enough to warrant a little bit of stress. During the brief moments of turbulence, there were a few shrieks from those in the cabin. Some of the people were visibly stressed out because of it. I saw a few people holding each other’s hands and even someone that was constantly looking around at others with a stress face on. I’m sure you know what this means. However, there was one person in the entire cabin that didn’t have a care in the world what was going on and had absolutely ZERO stress. And that was a young child that was sitting about 3 rows from me. While almost every single person was stressed, parents including, the child was laughing, giggling, and talking to others within the cabin. The child was in the hands of the father and with every slight feeling of turbulence, the father clenched his arms to hold the baby tighter. As if if were the last time that they could seen each other. Now, I have no idea what it means to be a father. I don’t have a kid and maybe