Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

27: Greg Star | Co-Founder Carvertise



Make an Important People List When Greg first moved to Delaware to do this full time. He created a list of important people in Delaware. People who were on that list were key individuals in the business community, individuals from non profits, schools, and more…He then took that list and connected with them on Linkedin. Out of those 25 people, 3 of them answered and that’s what it took to get the business rolling. From there, there was a cycle of positivity. Where one introduction led to another introduction, that led to a sale, that led to more positive outcomes. Greg states: “If I were just starting out, I’d introduce myself to people more successful and take the roll of mentorship. Say something like “I admire you from what you did and how you did it, can I learn from you?” From Greg’s experiences, most people are kind and gracious to teach you. Develop a Plan Greg Says” If you’re going to give yourself a chance to succeed. Develop a plan. Whether its saving money for 3-4 months or working a job that you d