Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Tyson Hartnett | Author and Founder of Athlete Minded



Don’t Look at Competition Too Much "There is always going to be competition, there are always people doing than you, and its also easy to be jealous. Competition isn’t a bad thing. Just because your buddy is making millions, and you’re making only $30k, is ok. Trust your path." If Everyone is Doing the Same Thing, Do Something Different Tyson used to worked at a car dealership and it was custom to shake a customers hand and greet them at the door. So every sales person would constantly stay in the same spot, expecting the people to walk in. It would be at that point that they would hope to get the sale. Well, if the best sales person is doing that exact same thing, try and find a different strategy that they aren't doing. So stand in a different spot, maybe go to the back and work your way to the front. “Rookie” entrepreneurs look at the same industry and try to replicate it, Tyson realized that everyone was educating people about sports. So Tyson decided to go a different route. Have a Good Team Ar