Comunicate With Confidence With Luke Maxwell

128. Branding Your True Self



You ever look back at your past and feel like a different person? I've been reflecting on my goals and ambitions over the last 8 years or so, and I realized that there's something that has remained constant. I was talking with my buddy about a free marketing training series we're running (if you haven't heard about it yet, just leave a comment or message me), and I wasn't feeling well physically or mentally that day. So much so that I was unable to finish a task that day that had a deadline. And in our discussion, he asked me a singular question, "When we grow this, and we have people who pay us and depend on us for help, will you be able to perform?" And that's a fair question. But after looking through my past, I realized something. That every single time my job was to help someone directly (either in my personal or professional life), I threw away every single pain I was feeling to focus on the task at hand. And yes, this is not necessarily a good thing when it's not balanced. I've hurt myself by not focus