Better Breathing Means Better Health

Your Progress & Feedback - Can I Help?



It would be good to get your feedback about this training course so that we can improve it in any way and offer you more personalized help. If you could email me your starting Control Pause  and  your most recent Control Pause you achieved after completing the course. It would also be useful to know what made you decide to take this course, perhaps you had a health problem you thought might be helped with improved breathing, or you had heard of the Buteyko Method but not been able to find a trainer near you, or you may have just decided this would be a good way of improving your health and immune system. If you have any suggestions as to how the course might be improved or developed , that would be welcomed as well.I am passionate that as many people in the world should have access to this remarkable work of Professor Konstantin Buteyko, most of us need it. Tell your friends and relatives about this powerful aid to health and you might even Twitter a comment!My email is or li