Better Breathing Means Better Health

Your Breathing- The Most Neglected Factor in Health & Disease



Episode # 1 Your Breathing, The Most Neglected Factor in Health and DiseaseFor the people and doctors in the East this is no revelation as Eastern medicine and health care has always paid great attention to the quality of breathing. This is not a surprise when you think that we can live without food for three weeks, without water for three days but we can only survive three minutes without air. Surely just based on this fact alone, we should give more attention to our breathing?Learn more before you start on this course at just click HEREDuring this course you will learn how improved breathing will benefit many diseases including: asthma, allergies, angina, anxiety, circulatory problems, depression, gut problems, hay fever, hypertension, IBS, migraines, ME, panic attacks, skin problems and many more.The common factor in all these conditions is that the individual has developed a bad habit of breathing too much all the time, very often because of stress, some trauma, diet, or other lifestyle problems.You will