Tough Talk Radio Network

All Things Franchising - Goodbye Graffiti



Linda Ballesteros is host of All Things Franchising and also the owner of Mpower Franchise Consulting where she works with those who want to be in business for themselves but not by themselves with the franchise that best fits their skills, passion and what they want their lifestyle to look like.  She is also very aware of those industries which are more recession resistant. Contact Linda today: Today's Guest: Laurie Spivach comes from an arts background receiving a BA in dance from Michigan State University in 1980.  She and her husband founded Blue Earth Painting which is still successful today.  In 2003 she opened Goodbye Graffiti Seattle as a licensee of Goodbye Graffiti Vancouver BC Canada.  In 2017 she acquired the license to franchise the Goodbye Graffiti brand in the US.