Kapow Radio Show

Foundational Deliverance-by Carla Butaud



Carla Butaud Teaches on FOUNDATIONAL DELIVERANCE.  Carla starts basic deliverance by teaching us how to break generational curses as well as other demonic assignments. This puts us into position to receive all that God has for us. It is written in Matt 12:29 and Mark 3:27 that we each have a strongman, a demonic force sent by the enemy to have rule over our life. We bind that strongman and break his power so we can eradicate his influence and spoil his house. The Keys to the Kingdom, as named in Matt 18:18, belong to us so we can live a powerful Christian life. Carla comes against idolatry and death curses in our lives. John 11:44 “Lazarus was dead, bound head and foot with grave clothes and came forth.” Nehemiah 1:5 is a cleansing prayer of repentance to break generational curses of sin and death. Carla leads the congregation in prayers of confession and continues to break generational curses, evil soul ties, and death curses which include aging, a slow, gradual diminishing of life. The death curse is the ru