Kapow Radio Show

Genesis One Prophecy #2-"Living East of Eden"



Sandwiched between two genealogies of SHEM (name) occurs this little story about Babylon, its city, and tower.  Humanity is divided into those who "Make a great name (Shem) for themselves," and those whom God makes their name (Shem) great.  Noah's son Shem, which means name or character, has two descendants that split humanity into these two groups.  First Joktan's descendants leave the good land and travel East to the plain of Shiner to build for themselves a great name.  Second, Peleg's descendants are followed to the birth of Abraham.  The Babylonian religion can be recognized by any one or thing that wants to make a great name for themselves.  Traveling away and Eastward  from God's blessing and promised land always ends in ruin and destruction, as this episode will reveal.