Kapow Radio Show

KAPOW-"Grace & the Law"



We have all heard the term "Cheap Grace," which refers to people who take the work of Christ in error and think that they have a license to continue and practice sin in their lives.  If they are corrected in their sin, they yell out, "You are a Legalist."  They believe that the Bible's admonitions against certain lifestyle choices are simply "legal" matters, and that they are free from the law because they are under the Grace of Christ.  These gray area Christians make up Cheep Grace.  On the other end of the spectrum are the "Judaizers" who desire to place the yoke of ritual, ceremony, and the Law of Moses on the necks of Christians.  They claim that salvation can only come through the obedience of the law.  Judaizers require people to behave, talk, and perform a certain way that matches their own expectations of holiness.  Both are wrong and do not know the Scriptures.  We wish to take you on a Biblical journey that will show you how salvation came to us Gentiles, the suffering that occurred in our behalf,