Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

Becoming Successful, Tim Conner – Episode 31



Have you ever considered writing a book, how about becoming a professional speaker? This episode, Tim Connor shares nugget's of his story of how he launched his speaking career by giving his time away to non-profit groups which lead his experience to authoring 80+ books. During Tim's career he has giving over 4000 presentations in 25 countries on a variety of; Sales, Leadership, Management and Relationship topics, but it didn't all just happen. Everyone who has accomplished any amount of success is because they have obtained lessons learned from their personal experiences and absorbed the brilliance from others. Here are Tim's 15 Tips For Success & Happiness Control your thoughts. Laugh a lot and have fun. Manage expectations. Live without regret. Take responsibility. Say thank you to life. Trust God. Keep learning & growing. Count your blessings. Never quit. Invest in yourself. Live in the present. Show appreciation. Let go of the past. Practice patience.