Happy Body - A Serena Podcast

Releasing Muscle Tension (Back - Shoulders - 30 min)



Are your back and shoulders in pain or stiff? Having a spasm or tightness again? You have the power to fix your myofascial pain by taking advantage of the way the brain works, by hacking its mode of operation. The world we perceive isn’t what we think it is. We construct our reality in our minds. A small trickle of fresh data from the outside world is used only at the margin to update the model in our mind of what we are “seeing.” This invented reality that we experience as consciousness allows for much faster response to dangers and therefore was evolutionarily advantageous. We are optimized for survival, not for complete and accurate perception of what is “out there.” This world-simulation feature also applies to our model of our bodies and its movement. Unfortunately it means that we often are ready for a "fight or flight" situation far more often than is necessary. And this is often the cause of unnecessary muscle pain, especially in the back and shoulders. Fortunately, it also means that we can