Happy Body - A Serena Podcast

Therapy to Lessen Your Allergies - The Empty Cup - 30 min



Most people think that 'spells' are a fanciful legacy of primitive cultures. But in fact some of them have a basis in the way the brain and body interact. There are techniques anyone can follow (or 'spells' anyone can learn to 'cast') to exercise the mind's control over the unconscious activity of the body. Allergies are one of those activities that are susceptible, at least at the margins, to these 'spells'. It turns out that you have a choice. You can react to the pollen or dust (or whatever your allergen is) with fear and resistance… or you can choose to cultivate love and acceptance. The physical discomfort and suffering you are experiencing in your allergic response is an invitation to cultivate an ongoing posture of submission and acceptance. If you weren’t having your allergic episode, you wouldn’t have the incentive to practice this. Think of your discomfort as being like an secret cup that you have within you. The allergy empties that cup and creates a longing for wellness. Yet unlike a really harmfu