Happy Body - A Serena Podcast

Releasing Muscle Tension (the Neck - 24 min)



Imagine that you have a daughter and she has just come in from playing outside. She has a freshly skinned knee and is crying because the bully who pushed her down also took her dolly. Our bodies are like that. They can’t speak the language we use with each other so they tell us their troubles and fears through pain, soreness and restricted movement. We can learn the language of our bodies and demonstrate mastery of our selves by understanding and practicing this truth. And our sore muscles will feel better in the process! But a tight or spasming muscle can reach a point of complete debilitation so we may have to bring out the full tool box to settle our little girl down. So before you begin, consider deploying some of the other options you have available to you. They include things like: making sure we are drinking plenty of water, massaging in arnica cream or tiger balm, taking ibuprofen or other NSAIDs, using ice packs, a foam roller, calcium-magnesium supplements, hot baths/showers or Jacuzzi/sauanas,