Liquid Church

How To Grow Your Faith | Part 5: The Chosen



Not sure where to start when it comes to growing your faith? In this message from Part 5 of Liquid Church’s series through The Chosen, Pastor Nithin Thompson walks us through how Simon Peter went from a life of shallow faith to become one of the 12 disciples. The Chosen is a powerful multi-season TV show. Through the show and in Luke 5:3-11, we see Simon Peter was impulsive, impatient, angry, and prone to violence. Yet, Jesus miraculously met him, just as he was, and called him to become the rock that Christ built the early Church on. If you can relate to Simon and feel your faith has been stagnant or even backsliding this year, know that Jesus is calling you deeper. He wants to guide you as you grow your faith. Watch this message from Liquid Church to learn how you can build deeper trust, turn to God in deeper repentance, and watch Jesus reveal your deeper purpose! The Chosen Series | Pastor Nithin Thompson | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Grow #SimonPeter #Grace #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #