Liquid Church

Nicodemus & How To Be Born Again | Part 3: The Chosen



Have you ever heard the term “born again”? While this term may mean many things to many people in our culture, Jesus reveals to us what it truly means to be born again in the Scriptures. The multi-season show The Chosen depicts John 3:1-17, showing Jesus meeting with Nicodemus, a devout Jewish religious leader known as a Pharisee. Nicodemus met Jesus at night and had his world turned upside down. Through his story, we can discover how to trade-in dead religion for a living relationship with Christ! See, being “born again” is a supernatural work of God from start to finish - when everything you have been taught as a Christian becomes real, and you develop a personal relationship with God. Have you been born again? Watch this message to visualize Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus and learn how you too can be born again of God’s Holy Spirit. The Chosen Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Nicodemus #BornAgain #John316 #Grace #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch