Spirit Girls With Jessica Reid

EP 127: Intuitively Reading Timelines with Tash Lockie



Hey Spirit Girls!Have you ever wondered about whether we can or cannot ‘tell the future’? In this episode, Tash and I share our experiences of Reading timelines and our understanding of how we can feel into the most probable outcome of different timelines ahead of a person...How there’s never a ‘set in stone’ future to read, More an insight of which options lay ahead, Which ones are more aligned and which timelines feel more active & likely to manifest.It’ll be much easier to understand the concept when listening to this episode and all of our examples! If you enjoy this episode please share on your social media tagging @tashlockie @jessicareidclairvoyant @spiritgirlscollective You can check out Tash’s offerings at tashlockie.comLove, Jessie x