Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Sheri Lynn Behr - the interview



Welcome to today’s show everyone, another guest from the big apple.  This photographer has 2 sides to her story, and we are concentrating on her ongoing project work.  Sheri Lynn Behr is a lovely lady who grew up in the Bronx.  Originally trained in film analog and printing too, but moved quite early to digital.  We even talk about why you may want to shoot digital or film. I have to thank both the Michael's at Analog Forever magazine for introducing me to Sheri too. It was only through their ongoing work did I notice her unique photography.  We soon get in touch and boy did we hit it off, like old friends.  Just like in life it’s not every week you really connect with someone.  But Sheri was really different, we enjoy a mutual hobby (you will hear about it) and it’s so nice to continue messaging each other.  So who knows for the future! From her interview you will realise her work is about trial and error, Sheri looks at her edits and can throw them out.  It’s abo