Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Alejandro Ilukewitsch - travel & street photographer



Interviewing my next guest was really easy, well that's how it felt.  Alejandro or “Alex” as he calls himself was born in Venezuela but has also lived in Mexico, Brazil, Germany, and now Romania.  Along these travels, he has fallen in love with street portraiture and has a great way of showing the culture.  As he says, there is no point going to the pretty and boring places in the city, as they are the same everywhere.  So he travels into the villages and neighborhoods, which has found him in some interesting situations.  Alex describes these to us and I think he’s underplaying how scary the situations were, especially the prison story! Alex has used film in some of his works but is predominantly a digital shooter.  He has experience of shooting events like baptisms, weddings, and even concerts in his earlier life but loves his street work.  He’s a kind and good human who signed up for my secret project.  Alex was unfortunate as the camera was sent to Romania but didn’t