Reset With Dr Viv

How to overcome relationship issues and bounce back - #37 | Dr Viv



Relationships are a very important aspect of our daily  lives.   In this Episode of Reset with Dr Viv’s sharing  bounceback stories to inspire hope though the ongoing pandemic, I spoke with Angela Walker, a Certified Relationship Coach of over 10 years, and author of How to Resolve Any Relationship Issues," about how she is helping singles and couples overcome their relationship issues.  We discussed her life and overcoming her own life experiences, which is inspiring her work today - After a 14 year marriage that failed due to infidelity, verbal and emotional abuse as well as the pressure of raising a disabled child, Angela had  to go on an emergency self discovery journey to rediscover who she really is. With her approach of “Barring My Scars to Help Others Heal” She has provoked others to reclaim their love for one another through effective communication tips and techniques. Let me know what you think in the comments section below to give everyone some inspiration xoxo Remember to