Beyond The Mood Board

96: Stop Doing Shit You Hate



2020 was a year that brought us up close and personal with what drains us and what brings us energy. Slowing down from the rapid pace of life we were used to has made us realize how much of our day is spent doing things that we don’t enjoy. It’s brought into question whether we’re fulfilling our true potential or not.   Even when we fill our days with the things that we’re good at we miss out on doing the things that we’re great at. On this episode I urge you to consider what it could look like if you only said yes to those things that fit squarely in your zone of genius?    I also cover: Why we slip into patterns of doing things we don’t want to do (even when we know better), The danger of getting stuck in our zone of excellence, How to identify your zone of genius,  How experiencing flow can inspire and direct your message, and A helpful prompt to identify what’s keeping you stuck.   Join me for my upcoming workshop: Tapping Into Your Zone of Genius: Working in it, expanding it, and sharing it with others