Between Us Girls

Episode 45 - Mfer Never Loved Us, Rememba



Andrea’s back filling in for vacationing Danielle and Jenn! An attempt was made to welcome the anti-feminist group, Men Going Their Own Way (M.G.T.O.W.), but apparently they were afraid of showing their “bitter” to the masses and they bailed on the interview. Or it’s Andrea’s fault. So, like a night after un-protected sex, the ladies scrambled and moved on with Plan B. Join the panel as they discuss snatched edges and if a man should love a woman more than she loves him for a relationship to work.Like SWV, let us rain down on you for a minute or two·        Fistacuffs or laser beams? Choose wisely, bih…..·        Naomi Campbell don’t need no stinkin’ edges…·        Kerri HIlson’s career was no match for the Beyhive·        Is Beyonce’s hair an Ilumminati calling card?·        If you give it to a man too easily, h