Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

102. Kelly Fitzsimmons: How To Navigate Big Failures And Come Out On Top



“When we’re in struggle, that’s when our shadow and demons show up and dance.” What happens when you experience a huge failure in business? For many entrepreneurs, failure brings dark times. We’re so used to wrapping our identity around what we do that when things don’t work out, our self-worth plummets. This episode’s guest found herself in this exact situation - putting herself in $5 million of personal debt. In fact, her situation was so challenging, she found herself in a place where she felt she was worth more dead than she was alive. This is the dark side of entrepreneurship - a side that’s not often spoken about in public, but it’s a time when business owners need the most support. So after coming out of the other side of failure, Kelly wrote Lost in Startuplandia: Wayfinding for the Weary Entrepreneur - a book written to share her own experiences and insights about the start-up journey.  So if you’re struggling with failure and you need a boost to help you navigate this all-too-com