Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

101. Olga Rickards: How To Create A Life You’re Excited To Jump Into Everyday



“When you’ve found your purpose, the high of living with purpose is unmatched.” This episode’s guest is Olga Rickards - a bestselling author, regular guest speaker on positive psychology at the University of British Columbia, and a sought-after life coach to high achievers. She’s worked with multi-millionaire entrepreneurs and executives running multi-billion dollar companies and she’s she’s co-authored books with Richard Branson and Brian Tracy. Originally from communist Russia [statistically one of the unhappiest places on earth], Olga was often told she’d never amount to much. She was also born with a heart condition that placed limits over what she was able to do. But after emigrating to Canada in search of a better life, things began to turn around.After a lot of soul searching, Olga discovered the universal truth that when you find your purpose and use your unique gifts to help others, the high is unmatched. And as a highly acclaimed life coach, she now lives this high everyday. Olga uses