Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

97. David Wood: Mastering The Art of Having Tough Conversations



“These conversations that we’re scared of shift reality. They create a new reality.”As a kid, David Wood didn’t have the courage to speak up to the bullies or to ask out the girls he liked. He didn’t have the skills necessary to have those tough conversations - so he didn’t, and he lost out as a result. But all that changed back in 1996 when David attended Landmark Forum. At this event, David grabbed the opportunity to ‘clear up his past’. He made a list of people he needed to speak with [including his childhood bully] and called them. This experience showed David that tough conversations can be transformative. In the process of sharing his truth, David improved relationships, rewrote memories, and transformed his view of the world. So if you have always feared having uncomfortable but necessary conversations with others, you’re in safe hands! David is a highly sought after coach, who works with high-performing entrepreneurs, executives, teams, and prison inmates to help them create amazing res